we lose weight the right way

The girl successfully lost weight thanks to the motivation and elimination of the causes of excess weight

The purpose of this article is to make a correct understanding of the problem of overweight, to prioritize the solution to this problem, and to determine the direction of motion on the way to losing weight. Briefly, to answer the questionhow to lose weight?,

Is it overweight?

Everyone who has decided to fight extra pounds, they really need more. Subjective assessment of one's body is often not confirmed by objective data on the presence of excess weight.

Often, in the pursuit of physical perfection, many people achieve compliance with a certain image, and everything that differs from it is considered superfluous, and in this case, it corrects the figure with the help of loads on certain parts. enough to do. Body.

That's why:

Step 1. Determination of your condition on the basis of weight calculated and weighted by physiological and constitutional parameters

To diagnose overweight, use the body mass index (BMI), recommended by the World Health Organization:

BMI \u003d body weight (kg) / height (m²).

If, according to the results of the calculations, you fall into the category of overweight, then you should understand that in the future, maintaining your normal lifestyle and nutrition, you can already fall into the group of obesity. Lose weightMeasures should be started immediately.

Step Two. Motivation

weight loss goalis fundamentally no different from any other goal. It is a strategic conceptgoal attainment, As well asmaintaining resultsAny path must begin with the definition of the target of this path.

First of all, we need to separate the concepts of goal and purpose. Losing weight is a task that needs to be solved, it answers the question: "What needs to be done? ". And lose weightThe goal of doing must answer the question: "Why is it necessary to start all this? "

In case of losing weight, you can set goals through motivation. This should be realized by the person himself, then only one can count on the resistance to the trials and stresses that always accompany everyone during the period of weight lossThere are.

Waist measurement before and after effective weight loss

Everyone has their own inspiration.

  1. Health, Overweight is primarily a health hazard: risk of various diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, genitourinary system, skin lesions, endocrine diseases.
  2. expansion of physical abilities: Ease of doing normal daily physical activities (easy to climb stairs, do housework, just walk), the opportunity to do your favorite sport, outdoor activities, active tours, etc.
  3. AndOther Objectives, which is a serious incentive for many people:
    • return to the usual wardrobe,
    • clothing style,
    • be in trend of fashion,
    • Be an object of pride for yourself and loved ones etc.

When the goal is set, it must be constantly developed, so that in times of crisis, when there is a temptation to stop "hands down", and halfway, it serves as an ambulance to revive the will to winIs.

Step 3. Detecting and Eliminating the Causes of Excess Weight

Immediately you have to note that it is right to do this under the guidance of a competent doctor.

The main reason why excess weight appears is that energy intake from food exceeds its consumption and it gets stored in fat cells (adipocytes). And this can be the result of many factors.

Malnutrition: Both Quantitatively and Qualitatively

The main thing to which I would like to draw attention is that a competent approach excludes rapid weight loss (more than 5 kg per month, more than 2-3 kg per month).Requests to lose weight within a week are naive, and speak of its urgent need among those who ask them. A long-term project to get rid of the accumulation of extra pounds in the body harmful to healthsuggests.

You can often hear arguments in the form:I eat a little, but I still get better,

If more accumulates, it means more of it came with the food.

The easiest and most effective way to adequately assess your normal diet is to keep a food diary for 2 weeks. This should reflect:

  • Meal Time,
  • quantity and composition of food taken,
  • the amount of free fluid you drink
  • The timing and amount of alcohol consumption.

Information about the state of the food taken (after psychological stress, before and after physical activity) is also useful, for further analysis and developing the correct eating habit.

The food diary and dietary adjustments should be analyzed by a nutritionist based on the calculation of the daily requirement for a particular individual, as it takes into account individual characteristics, physical characteristics, household stress, use of car for transport, level of. physical sports activities, etc.

It is important to correctly distribute the energy content of the diet during the day: the most caloric foods should fall in the period of the day with maximum physical activity, when they can be fully used.

Common dietary mistakes:

  • lack of breakfast
  • breakfast on the run
  • Dinners, which sometimes exceed the daily physiological need in terms of energy value.

General recommendations for proper nutrition for weight loss

  • A caloric deficit of 500–700 kcal/day, or approximately 30% of the total calculated caloric intake, should be achieved.

    The daily energy value should not be less than for women - less than 1200 kcal, for men - less than 1500 kcal.

    Reducing daily caloric intake below these figures is unsafe, meaningless in the long run, because quickly lost kilograms change metabolism in such a way that the body, for self-preservation after the end of the diet test on it, intensifies. Begins to restore the lost.

  • Meals should be frequent (every 2. 5-3 hours) in small portions, if possible. The last meal is recommended to be taken no later than 19: 00 or, alternatively, 3 hours before bedtime.Eating healthy slowly in compliance with daily caloric intake is one of the key points in the process of losing weight.

    Eat slowly, chew thoroughly. In this case, the nutrients obtained from food have time to "signal" to the satiety center. Eating too quickly signals satiety too late, when the stomach is fullmoves, ie. the person has already moved.

    Japanese and other Asian dishes, in which chopsticks are used for eating, are very symbolic in this sense.

    Firstly, it is part of their philosophy of life, where eating is almost a ritual that affects health and longevity.

    Secondly, sticks allow you to take not a large portion, but as much as a person can chew well.

    In addition, due to this, the meal time increases, and the body manages to receive a satiety signal in time - as a result, a feeling of satiety appears after a much smaller portion of food than after fast food.

  • Promotes weight loss and increases water intakeIt is recommended to take 500 ml of water before each main meal.
  • To exclude unnecessary stimulation of appetite and the work of the digestive organs, the diet should contain the absence of stimulating foods:Strong broths, pickles, spicy, fried foods, spicy seasonings, alcohol.
  • Special attention should be paid to the exclusion of alcoholic beverages., which in themselves are high-calorie foods: the energy content of 100 g of alcohol is 700 kcal, which is approximately equal to the energy value of 100 g of butter.

physical inactivity (a sedentary lifestyle)

Various physical activities to help keep the body in good shape

Physical activity is an important component of achieving the desired energy balance, both during periods of weight loss, and for maintaining weight after reaching results.

Weight loss exercises should be:

  • dosage;
  • build up slowly
  • may be moderate (performed for 1 hour without fatigue);
  • May be intense (after 30 minutes of training, fatigue appears).

Recommended weight loss program: 4-5 hours per week of moderate-intensity physical activity or 2. 5-3 hours per week of vigorous-intensity physical activity. Energy consumption at such load 2000-2500 kgis calories.

  • Walk for 30 minutes daily. One of the best activities for weight loss is interval walking - 2-3 minutes. At a normal pace, then 2-3 minutes. Accelerate, then slow down to a normal pace (2-3 minutes)Switch on. Or running for 15 minutes.
  • Sports games for 45 minutes. (Volleyball, Basketball, Football, etc. )
  • 1-1. Five times a week for 5 hours - swimming, shaping, aerobics, tennis, etc.
  • Classes in the gym with weights to build muscle.

It is better to alternate different types of physical activities.

The most effective way to reduce body weight is to reduce fat during exercise before breakfast. During daytime and evening workouts, it is recommended to eat them 3 hours before.

violation of the endocrine glands

hormonal disorderscause of overweight5-10%CasesIf a traditional comprehensive weight loss program (healthy diet, physical activity) does not have a positive effect, an endocrinologist should be consulted.

The doctor will draw his conclusion on the basis of the data and results of the examination.laboratory research, which will give information about the function of the endocrine organs (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads, endocrine part of the pancreas).

Based on the information received, the endocrinologist will be able to draw up a plan for therapeutic and preventive measures.

What is important to remember when starting to lose weight

  • There is no warrior in the field. You need the professional support of specialists (nutritionist, physiotherapist, endocrinologist, psychologist) and close people. Together you are strength.
  • All your efforts, efforts will not go unnoticed, the result will be sure.
  • It is always worth remembering its goal and the objectives that will lead to it.
  • Do not rest on getting the desired result. With the newly acquired habits of proper nutrition and an active lifestyle, do not part - extra pounds are always on the alert.